Wednesday, September 05, 2007

First Night Of CYT

So my first night went very well. My first friends in my class I met were John & Scott,yes those are guy names,yes they are guys and yes they are the only two guys there. Somehow some way I always end up with a group of guys,guess somethings never change,LOL. Anyway,so we asked each other basic questions and after a while the teacher then made each group go up to the "front of the stage" and have one person introduce another by telling the "audience" facts about them. Scott introduced me,John introduced Scott and I introduced John. It was quite fun, and I didn't even have stage fright! Soon everyone had their turn but we had to have a fifteen minute snack break. So we walked down the hall people bought snack fro fifty cents( I didn't cause I wasn't hungry). After our fifteen minutes we walked back up to our classroom and did breathing exercises. I learned that you actually have some diaphragm of sorts in your back,that was quite interesting. Then the teacher told us about "rules" for auditioning. Two people volunteered to be examples. By this time we were crunching time trying to hurry up so we went up and down the scales for a few minutes. After the quick run of that our class let out

I have to say CYT is a whole lot different that dance. Mainly cause people who have been there ten years don't mind talking to people who have just started coming. They are a whole lot nicer and talkative and such. I think I shall like it a whole lot here! I can't wait til next week!!!

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