Wednesday, August 01, 2007


I guess I am over excited about the E-Trip that is coming up,
thus making sleeping difficult.
I think I clocked it to tossing and turning for twenty to thirty minutes.
Then falling asleep for thirty minutes to an hour or two and waking up again only to start the process all over again.
It will be interesting on Sunday night how much sleep I 'll be getting....

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Every time I went on a missions trip, for the whole week before leaving, I'd have horrible dreams about missing the flight.. going there and finding I didn't bring any soap with me (that can be the worst nightmare of them all in some places..), and forgetting socks, also horrific in some instances. Usually the night before I'd get, like, two hours of sleep and still be the cheeriest person boarding the plane. :) I'm so excited for you!!!