So my first night went very well. My first friends in my class I met were John & Scott,yes those are guy names,yes they are guys and yes they are the only two guys there. Somehow some way I always end up with a group of guys,guess somethings never change,LOL. Anyway,so we asked each other basic questions and after a while the teacher then made each group go up to the "front of the stage" and have one person introduce another by telling the "audience" facts about them. Scott introduced me,John introduced Scott and I introduced John. It was quite fun, and I didn't even have stage fright! Soon everyone had their turn but we had to have a fifteen minute snack break. So we walked down the hall people bought snack fro fifty cents( I didn't cause I wasn't hungry). After our fifteen minutes we walked back up to our classroom and did breathing exercises. I learned that you actually have some diaphragm of sorts in your back,that was quite interesting. Then the teacher told us about "rules" for auditioning. Two people volunteered to be examples. By this time we were crunching time trying to hurry up so we went up and down the scales for a few minutes. After the quick run of that our class let out
I have to say CYT is a whole lot different that dance. Mainly cause people who have been there ten years don't mind talking to people who have just started coming. They are a whole lot nicer and talkative and such. I think I shall like it a whole lot here! I can't wait til next week!!!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Blessed With Rain In Mexico
You know, life would be so much simpler if people would trust God and His far superior plan. I think those of us who went to Mexico really experienced that...with all the crazy things that happened during our week and a few days there,God really did meet our needs. I don't think I heard anyone say "I am so worried about such and such or so and so or something something" the whole time there. It's possible anyone could have been thinking it..but that is beyond my point... We all kinda sorta set back and let God do His work. Like at the end of Thursdays work with the Pole Crew,we thought that there would be no way of finishing up the rest of the poles because the ground was so hard. Later that night as we are playing Mafia in the Commons,here comes this massive torrential down pour of rain that lasted for twenty minutes or so with lightening and thunder which turned off the power for several minutes only to return to normal. The next day we put the auger in the ground and it made the hole pretty we do the next one,and the next one and the next one until we were done with holes for the fence.(Then we had a quest for concrete,its a very long and some what lengthy ordeal so I will not go into it,I'll just tell you we got what needed for it). Holes plus gravel plus pole plus concrete equaled the completion of the basic structure of our fence. Then we all kinda marveled at what had happened. Here is the miraculous thing about the rain we got,in Mexico it isn't supposed to be the rainy time,its supposed to be very dry and hot. It rained almost every other day from a small portion,to enough to make a few puddles. Each time we got rain,it helped soften the ground we were working with.
Dios de veras bendiga nosotras
(forgive the Spanish if you know how to read it and it is is supposed to say" God really blessed us")
Dios de veras bendiga nosotras
(forgive the Spanish if you know how to read it and it is is supposed to say" God really blessed us")
Monday, August 13, 2007
I'mmmm BACKKKK!!!
So ya I am back from Mexico...just thought I let you guys know.... I'll probably type some random stuff later in the week about the trip or something...
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Your Glorious Cause O God,
Engages Our Hearts,
May Jesus Christ Be Known,
Wherever We Are,
We Ask Not For Ourselves,
But For Your Renown,
The Cross Has Saved Us,
So We Pray,
Your Kingdom Come
Let your kingdom come,
Let your will be done,
So that everyone might know your Name,
Let Your song be heard everywhere on earth,
Till Your sovereign work on earth is done,
Let your kingdom come
Give Us Your Strength O God,
And Courage To Speak
Perform Your Wondrous Deeds,
Through Those Who Are Weak,
Lord Use Us As You Want,
Whatever The Test,
By Grace We'll Preach Your Gospel,
Till Our Dying Breath.
During this week please pray for the group of us who are going to Mexico.
Pray for strength,refreshedness daily,selfless willingness to serve and glorify God
Engages Our Hearts,
May Jesus Christ Be Known,
Wherever We Are,
We Ask Not For Ourselves,
But For Your Renown,
The Cross Has Saved Us,
So We Pray,
Your Kingdom Come
Let your kingdom come,
Let your will be done,
So that everyone might know your Name,
Let Your song be heard everywhere on earth,
Till Your sovereign work on earth is done,
Let your kingdom come
Give Us Your Strength O God,
And Courage To Speak
Perform Your Wondrous Deeds,
Through Those Who Are Weak,
Lord Use Us As You Want,
Whatever The Test,
By Grace We'll Preach Your Gospel,
Till Our Dying Breath.
During this week please pray for the group of us who are going to Mexico.
Pray for strength,refreshedness daily,selfless willingness to serve and glorify God
Saturday, August 04, 2007
The Complex Infrastructure Known As The Male Mind
I should know by now,that all boys act a good deal alike when it comes to eating out with other boys
First,after eating their meal one boy will put pepper or some other foreign object in one of his buddy's drink.
Then ensues "science" of putting sugar,sweet & low,ketchup,salt and pepper and various other objects of things not belonging in a drink
Of course after their wonderful concoction one dares another to drink it
Of course,being all manly,the daree must accept.
Taking of course several berated breaths and hoping that the group is leaving soon before having to actually do such feat.
After a few minutes this ill fated fellow lifts the glass takes a sip....
and shovels the ice cream into his mouth,hoping to get rid of the vile taste.
While his good friends are laughing their heads off and asking "Does it taste bad ?".
First,after eating their meal one boy will put pepper or some other foreign object in one of his buddy's drink.
Then ensues "science" of putting sugar,sweet & low,ketchup,salt and pepper and various other objects of things not belonging in a drink
Of course after their wonderful concoction one dares another to drink it
Of course,being all manly,the daree must accept.
Taking of course several berated breaths and hoping that the group is leaving soon before having to actually do such feat.
After a few minutes this ill fated fellow lifts the glass takes a sip....
and shovels the ice cream into his mouth,hoping to get rid of the vile taste.
While his good friends are laughing their heads off and asking "Does it taste bad ?".
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
I guess I am over excited about the E-Trip that is coming up,
thus making sleeping difficult.
I think I clocked it to tossing and turning for twenty to thirty minutes.
Then falling asleep for thirty minutes to an hour or two and waking up again only to start the process all over again.
It will be interesting on Sunday night how much sleep I 'll be getting....
thus making sleeping difficult.
I think I clocked it to tossing and turning for twenty to thirty minutes.
Then falling asleep for thirty minutes to an hour or two and waking up again only to start the process all over again.
It will be interesting on Sunday night how much sleep I 'll be getting....
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Ay Caramba
So last Sunday was our last E-Trip meeting.
Monday is coming so quickly!!!
During this week please pray for our dear Esteban P.,
He was jogging a few days ago and a random tree limb fell on him.
Which caused him to need seven stitches on his head region,mainly in his hairline,
Pray that his wound will heal and that he would be able to get his stitches out soon.
Monday is coming so quickly!!!
During this week please pray for our dear Esteban P.,
He was jogging a few days ago and a random tree limb fell on him.
Which caused him to need seven stitches on his head region,mainly in his hairline,
Pray that his wound will heal and that he would be able to get his stitches out soon.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Today,when we got here,we went to my grandparents-who-live-on-a-farm's house(both my grandparents live litrilly a half a mile away from each other...)
Aunt Jackie and a whole slew of my cousins had already shucked bunches and bunches of sweet corn that my grandparents had been growing
So Gramaw heated bunches of corn in water,
then gave it to me,Dad and Aunt Jackie to take a knife and scrape it all off.
In the beginning I had my pointer finger rubbing across the knife handle as I sawed away at the corn,then I realized that it was creating a blister.
So I creatively decided instead of having my pointer finger around it,that I should put it on my advantage my clever idea worked,and I only have a very small blister from the previous way of doing it.
It's too bad that corn doesn't have any lotion like hands would be very soft right know from all that corn juice if that was the case..LOL
I don't think I shall enjoy the smell of sweet corn for a while......
It was fun anyway,even if I consumed a little too much corn by snacking on it a bit while I waited for the next load to scrape up,hahaha
Aunt Jackie and a whole slew of my cousins had already shucked bunches and bunches of sweet corn that my grandparents had been growing
So Gramaw heated bunches of corn in water,
then gave it to me,Dad and Aunt Jackie to take a knife and scrape it all off.
In the beginning I had my pointer finger rubbing across the knife handle as I sawed away at the corn,then I realized that it was creating a blister.
So I creatively decided instead of having my pointer finger around it,that I should put it on my advantage my clever idea worked,and I only have a very small blister from the previous way of doing it.
It's too bad that corn doesn't have any lotion like hands would be very soft right know from all that corn juice if that was the case..LOL
I don't think I shall enjoy the smell of sweet corn for a while......
It was fun anyway,even if I consumed a little too much corn by snacking on it a bit while I waited for the next load to scrape up,hahaha
Friday, July 20, 2007
I Saw Hairspray with mi familia was all kinda crazy,some parts I cringed,some parts I thought stupid but a good deal of the time I laughed over how ridiculously funny John Travolta looked in a fat suite and ladies clothes.....So ya,not the best movies I have seen...... but some what entertaining non the less
Thursday, July 19, 2007
So as most of you should know by now I have been contemplating doing CYT or Reflections this Fall,and have finally made my decision to do CYT. I've already got my class lined up and everything. I'll be taking a singing class,for a change from dancing all the time. So ya,I am kinda excited and nervous all at the time time. I have never done anything like this before....except for Ballet production...and that's just dancing/acting a bit....
Friday, July 13, 2007
It Is Finished
The angel choir busted out the Hallelujah chorus,the sun decidedly peaked its head out of the clouds,everyone let out their berated breathes of happiness to hear:
The Complete Tales And Poems Of Edgar Allen Poe IS FINISHED!!!!
The Complete Tales And Poems Of Edgar Allen Poe IS FINISHED!!!!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Pressing On
The "wonderful (am using "wonderful" in the most sarcastic tone)" behemoth of a book: The Complete Tales And Poems Of Edgar Allen Poe is almost DONE. Tonight I reached deep within my I-am-sick-of-this-stupid-long-book being and finished off the largest part of the book,which is the Tales. So basically if I it read tomorrow for any extended amount of time, I'll be done with it...hopefully....
Check It
My favorite is Session Four with Bob Donohue,I throughly suggest you take a listen if you weren't there yourself.
My favorite is Session Four with Bob Donohue,I throughly suggest you take a listen if you weren't there yourself.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Man,REVIVE was better than I ever imagined. The first Session was a bit rough,I thought I would die after standing for an hour singing! But by the second Session I got used to it,and fully enjoyed it. It also helped that second Session was when the Kingsway(or "KingsWay" as it is apparently typed now...) band played and Mr. E did the sermon. Out of all the sermons taught this weekend my favorite was the last. It was about how as Christians we are ambassadors for Christ..and stuff,LOL. It's hard to explain,I hope that they might do the sermons out on cd so for those who didn't go or weren't able to be there could listen. So with any kind of trip there are always the "inside jokes". A large portion of you will not understand them. Mostly these thoughts or things said is from conversations done way too early in the morning or way too late at night,thus making a good deal of them stupid,but they were very funny to our collapsing mind frame at the time. So here they go..even if you don't "get" them:
Day 1:Jamie got his bug pocks from Hobo town.
Saying "Carp" is just as good as saying "Crap".
Watching people in their lounge area from your window at one o'clock in the morning makes very good entertainment(mostly because of the juggling bowling pins show)
Day 2: Adam B. has some crazy lookin' hair in the morning.
A bunch of crazy homeschooled KingsWayers swing dancing to swing praise music down on the "telescope" area at eleven o'clock pm.
Don't push Annie's "Karma" buttons when playing Uno Attack,or you will be the one with the most cards out of anybody
Jeremy W. would never be a Oceans anything.
Day 1:Jamie got his bug pocks from Hobo town.
Saying "Carp" is just as good as saying "Crap".
Watching people in their lounge area from your window at one o'clock in the morning makes very good entertainment(mostly because of the juggling bowling pins show)
Day 2: Adam B. has some crazy lookin' hair in the morning.
A bunch of crazy homeschooled KingsWayers swing dancing to swing praise music down on the "telescope" area at eleven o'clock pm.
Don't push Annie's "Karma" buttons when playing Uno Attack,or you will be the one with the most cards out of anybody
Jeremy W. would never be a Oceans anything.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
I love ya tomorrow,tomorrow's a day other words REVIVE is tomorrow........YAY!!!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Poor Defenseless Squirrel & Bunny
So today,Jamie convinced me to go to my other-grandparents-who-live-on-a-farm-like-a-mile-or-two-away on the four wheeler with him. I said if I was gonna go I wanted to drive there. So I repeatedly reminded my Dad to PLEASE remember my black messenger bag when he came in the car. That way there would be something to read while I was there. So I did end up driving to my grandparents, up until we got to a part where we had to turn around,Jamie took over and had to drive on the barrier of a corn field and a mess of weeds. That made an interesting trip,having branches in ones face,seeds in your shoes and bugs all over ones arms,legs and occasionally square on the forehead. So finally we got to my grandparents,and my Dad came...with no black messenger bag ...after I had repeatedly told him to remember it when he came...It actually turned out not to be as boring as it sometimes is,there was a lot of people in the kitchen and my cousins Isaac and Ben making all kinds of noise in the living room along with their baby sister Morgan screaming up a storm for no real reason. Morgan is cute when she is quiet but when she gets cranky,good day,there is hardly no way to stop it. So toward the end of the day,my Grandma pulled out a rawther large puzzle to do,with numerous amounts of lighthouses,big and small all over it. With this my Grandma,Jamie,Dad and I amused ourselves for an hour or two. The sky started to get cloudy and the four-wheeler needed cleaning,so Jamie and I went down to the old milk house and pressure washed it down with a hose and got the mud that collected on it since Mark Aaron had driven it as his main source of transportation when he worked there during the summer for three years. Once we were done cleaning up our mess I noticed little drops of rain coming down so Jamie and I hopped on the four wheeler,told Dad we were going back to the house and headed home. A little road near my Grandpa's house we were driving down there was a a poor defenseless bunny just laying in the middle of the road. Jamie hopped of the four wheeler to see if it was dead,and if it wasn't,why it was just laying there. Jamie got within three feet lengths before it hopped up and got to the ditch off to the side. Jamie said that the bunny had blood coming out of his nose,and to me it looked like half its body was crippled...poor bunny... So Jamie continued our trek and came across a very still squirrel and drove up very close..almost enough to think he was gonna run it over and I screamed,but it ran off,thankfully. Also I don't think Jamie would be that cruel though... so anyway that has been my day.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
First Day Of Summer Ballet/Lyrical
Instead of having our teacher,Mrs Jessica teach our Ballet class,we had a "guest teacher" named Miss Joy. Mrs Jessica sat in a swivel chair in the corner and stared the whole class down as Miss Joy taught. I guess the class was somewhat of an "audition" of sorts for Miss Joy to see whether or not she may become a regular teacher there. Miss Joy was like a fresh out of dance school,very not strict kinda lady. It made things a bit difficult when she said "OoO just start whenever,do whatever". I hate when teachers do that cause then you have ABSOLUTELY no directions and when you mess up you feel even more like an idiot because you didn't know what to do in the beginning anyway. As far as the class went,it was ok. It takes a while to get back in the swing of things the first day of anything after ones been off whatever activity one does for a month or two. So after my Ballet class I wait an hour before Lyrical. So I tried killed time by attempting to read the Complete Tales And Poems Of Edgar Allen Poe(No,I haven't gotten it done yet...) but failed dismally due to the access noise of people talking in the background(those JEMs are some loud talkers...). So I gave up and found an old magazine from October 2006 that I had glanced/read through in sheer boredom earlier in the year. After a while I got bored so I went to where some people were in the "waiting room" and talked with a few people. Finally the hour went by and it was time for Lyrical. Surprisingly to my happiness my Ballet teacher from last year,Miss Stefanie was also teaching my Lyrical class,which is incredibly cool. The Lyrical class was really fun. I like the fluid movements,extending,distending and the sheer emotions Lyrical has...I love it. Basically,that is where my story ends.....except I have to take a "make-up" class this Monday cause I am missing my class next week because of REVIVE...but it's TOTALLY worth it.....
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
I'm Not Roman Catholic But I Love These Nuns
I watched the whole movie this morning,now I need to get Sister Act 2...
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Many Dad's In Many Languages
Latin:Abbas Abbatis
Latin:Abbas Abbatis
Friday, June 15, 2007
The Time Is Near
So yesterday we got a wonderful email from Steve P. about our different teams and the names of the kids of the E-Trip we will be helping with. Getting some new information like this makes the trip seem so close. I find it really funny that they put me in the group with the "other" Annee(and the "other" Adam with another Adam in a different group of course),now we will definitely need to set up a system of separate verbal identification methods..LOL. I can already imagine the faces of "My Little Girls":Alejandra,Magali,Miriam,Esmerelda,Yesenia,Maria,Karla,Jacquelin and Mileni. I can't wait to see their cute little faces and get to play,teach and talk with them for a whole week.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Jamie's Third Summer Basketball Game
Yesterday Jamie had another basketball game,that of which Mom,Dad and I were at as usual. The game was boring,the stuff that happened before it was a bit more entertaining to watch. First off I thought that we were gonna eat Dinner at the table before we left,apparently we were running late unbeknown to me. So I ended up grabbing a "leftover" container and putting my dinner quickly into it and getting some water so I wouldn't burn my tongue as I ate in the car. So before going to his game we had to drop off a lawn-mower-like-machine at the D's house(D as in my favorite little guy at KCC:Micah D) for Christian to fiddle with to see if he could get it working in his spare time or whatnot. Mom thought the LITTLE detour to their house would be about five minutes from the directions she gave her. There is one thing to be learned with my family,nothing,ABSOLUTELY nothing,goes according to our plans. The five minute trip ended up to be about twenty and Jamie about to have a cataclysmic heart attack the size of an elephant for fear of not getting to his game early enough. All I could do was chuckle and cover my face,so as not to be yelled at and hit with his baseball hat for laughing at such a unlaughable situation(for him anyway
) So we chatted a bit with a few of the D's and then speedily headed towards his basketball game's direction. Ok,now for the game:First off I forgot my glasses so I could basically see diddily squat......and thats about it. We had this weirdly dressed referee,he had these short black shorts on with those black knee support brace things,so he sorta looked like he had strangely made capri's on or something. Anyway,Jamie's team put up a pretty good fight,seeing as one of the coaches son has a broken ulna(Ulna-the little bone next to your big bone in your arm...if that doesn't make sense look it up) and didn't play so now their down to seven players(I think). They lost their game,but hopefully they will eventually win one of these times (THEN WE GET TO GO OUT TO EAT,LOL,JK....well actually not, we probably would lol)
Friday, June 08, 2007
Jamie's Second Summer Basketball Game
Yesterday Dad and I(Mom was being a kid at a candy shop at the Home School Convention)went to Jamie's basketball game against The Hurricanes. Dad brought two metal chairs instead of camp chairs to sit in. I ended up not using mine because it wasn't very comfortable,so I just sat on the gym floor and watched. Since Mom wasn't there she made Dad and I take pictures of the game for her(since that is normally what she does during the games). As I started clicking away,once again jamming to some Relient K,Barlow Girl and a variety of songs from my old youth pastors cds he used to make and give out on occasion called John's Jams. On to the important part:the game. The team they were set against wasn't as brutal as the last one they played and the referees did a much better job than the last two we had. Jamie came pretty close to rebanging his already banged up arm,but luckily he didn't. Some where in the first half one of the opposing teams parents asked if she could use the extra chair I wasn't using,and we said "sure"(there is a reason for me mentioning this..eventually). Jamie's teammate,Nathanial who struggled shooting foul shots last game,finally was able to sink in the basket for two foul shots. He was surprised the first one went in but he looked shocked the second one did
. Anyway so the end of the game the Mom from the other team came up and returned our chair and was distressed that "She took my chair". She thought it was "one of the schools" etc and so forth......we explained that it was really no problem and that I wanted to sit on the ground. I find it incredibly funny that she would be worried about little,old young me needing a chair,when she is the adult and probably needs it more than me.....So to end this more than lengthy post,Jamie's team lost again,but not as badly as the last time. Because Mom wasn't home,we go to eat out at Beef O'Brady's for compensation for losing AND because NO ONE likes leftovers.....
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Jamie's First Summer Basketball Game
So Jamie and his Home School Patriots team played against some team with like enough people to have two teams and a few extra. So every other minute or so the other team was subbing in a new set of people. Jamie's team only has about eight guys in comparison. I didn't watch much of his game due to 1. I was sitting behind Mom who was sitting in one of those fold up camp chairs(for good reason I was sitting where I was,mostly I have come one too many times almost getting hit by a player or their basketball as they attempted to dribble down court) and 2. I was busy jamming to Relient K songs the whole time
. So from what I could gather from my non sportical mind of mine,the referee's weren't calling a lot of fouls(and the interesting thing is,is that they weren't/couldn't count fouls on any player because it was a league rule or something and that the other team didn't have jerseys,just white shirts) and the other team was playing pretty dang dirtily. Jamie got rammed into once and twice again. The first time he flew across the floor and landed on his right arm,and again with less air landed on his right arm. Now he has a humongous egg of a bruise right above his elbow. It almost looks like a second elbow when he holds his arm downward. It is pertty disgusting. I bet if your were to ask him come Sunday morning,he would love to show it off to you. He is always quite proud of his bruises,for some odd reason....Anyway,Patriot's didn't win but we got Dairy Queen anyway!!!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Burning Idiot
I think I am officially an idiot when it comes to sun protection......Got the back covered with 30spf but failed to put any on my legs,face or neck. My illogical self told me I didn't need it cause,"I never burn on those areas". Now my legs,face and neck are burning red. You would think I would learn my lesson the FIRST time,but apparently the second lesson just drives the concept of "ALWAYS wearing sunscreen" home....
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Estrella lyrics by Brave Saint Saturn
So instead of putting something boring because I am bored and have nothing to write about I have decided just to put lyrics to songs I like to fill the void of emptiness that would have been there if I had put something pointless in its place,so here is is folks:
I write clever words on paper
I sometimes think I don't belive at all
I've never felt so fake
So false
I'm such a lie
I couldn't even look him in the eyes
He was 25 like I was
but he was deaf and slowly going blind
He made my faith seem worthless
The things I hoped were pointless
And he fought to stay but
Always dreamed that he could leave this place
The angels wings will cover you tonight
Press your head
Against the breast of Christ
It made me feel so empty
Collapsing on some dirty bathroom floor
And isn't it just like me to mourn his passing breath
Where he will never suffer anymore
Beautiful his pictures
Fading black and silver
And I sing of faith but his was true and fierce
And I will miss him
The angels wings will cover you tonight
Press your head against the breast of Christ
The angels wings will cover you tonight
Press your head against the breast of Christ
*****fade out*****
I write clever words on paper
I sometimes think I don't belive at all
I've never felt so fake
So false
I'm such a lie
I couldn't even look him in the eyes
He was 25 like I was
but he was deaf and slowly going blind
He made my faith seem worthless
The things I hoped were pointless
And he fought to stay but
Always dreamed that he could leave this place
The angels wings will cover you tonight
Press your head
Against the breast of Christ
It made me feel so empty
Collapsing on some dirty bathroom floor
And isn't it just like me to mourn his passing breath
Where he will never suffer anymore
Beautiful his pictures
Fading black and silver
And I sing of faith but his was true and fierce
And I will miss him
The angels wings will cover you tonight
Press your head against the breast of Christ
The angels wings will cover you tonight
Press your head against the breast of Christ
*****fade out*****
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Went to the pool today. Slathered myself in SPF fifteen so I wouldn't burn and blister to death. It is literally impossible for me JUST to be a little tan, I HAVE to burn FIRST before the tan comes. No matter HOW much I regularly apply the stuff, I still managed to get burned. So this time I some how got a partial red sunburn on my back. Jamie,being stubborn Jamie refused to wear any sun tan lotion and ended up with it all on his back and chest,except his looks a bit less severe. I think he is more immune since he is quite tan already from playing outside all the time......Anyway,now I think we just need to get a higher SPF,maybe thirty or something,that would probably help a lot.......
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
I Like Books,Just
The Russian literature book,Crime And Punishment,has given me a severe headache. Mostly due to trying to finish quite rapidly from the sickness of reading it for a week or two straight and feeling like I was never going to finish its contents at the rate I was going. As was Frankenstein was depressing,Crime And Punishment was disturbing. I am gladly taking up a biography of William Wilberforce now for my reading pleasure
Monday, May 21, 2007
Ok,It's Official
I am living from weekend to weekend. Those days in between weekends is just a monotony of pre-summer warm-up for the fun that is to come. This weekend my brother,Mark and his wife,Cassie (my super-cool-sister-in-law) are coming to town. AND on the same day Richmond Regional Curriculum Sale is going on where I will not only be selling books,but BUYING books!!! THEN on Sunday I get to "show off" Mark and Cass at church(ok not show off,but actually having living evidence of having a married brother....most people don't believe me for some reason.....).
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Ortho/Ballet Dress Rehearsal
So learned today I'll be wearing my retainer at night for the rest of my teenage life(sigh
) I was kinda hoping to not have to deal with it all during the E-Trip,but apparently that's not gonna happen.......
So I had dress rehearsal for our Ballet dance today. It's called "Only Hope",sung by Mandy Moore in the movie "A Walk To Remember". It's not really a "Ballet" dance,more Lyrical. Anyway,the dance before us is "Pumpin' Up The Party" by Hannah Montana(AKA Miley Stewart(actually Destiny "Miley" Cyrus) which is the craziest awesome song to get pumped to. Seriously,you can bop around in the wings the whole song,and not even notice how nervous you are and once its time to go on you're all chilled and ready. Well the dance went well,except for the blinding stage lights that ones eyes kept turning to when one faced to the side.......This Summer I get to do Ballet with my old Ballet teacher,which should be interesting AND I get to take a beginning Lyrical class too(YAY).
I hate to break it to all of those of you who don't believe me,but dance is a sport. You have to train and learn technique,then there is competition where you get judged by performance and get trophies,big ones...So TAKE THAT!!! LOL
So I had dress rehearsal for our Ballet dance today. It's called "Only Hope",sung by Mandy Moore in the movie "A Walk To Remember". It's not really a "Ballet" dance,more Lyrical. Anyway,the dance before us is "Pumpin' Up The Party" by Hannah Montana(AKA Miley Stewart(actually Destiny "Miley" Cyrus) which is the craziest awesome song to get pumped to. Seriously,you can bop around in the wings the whole song,and not even notice how nervous you are and once its time to go on you're all chilled and ready. Well the dance went well,except for the blinding stage lights that ones eyes kept turning to when one faced to the side.......This Summer I get to do Ballet with my old Ballet teacher,which should be interesting AND I get to take a beginning Lyrical class too(YAY).
I hate to break it to all of those of you who don't believe me,but dance is a sport. You have to train and learn technique,then there is competition where you get judged by performance and get trophies,big ones...So TAKE THAT!!! LOL
Monday, May 14, 2007
Tomorrow I visit Mrs P.,and then I am almost home free (haha I just rhymed).........except that I had a few weeks off in January so I have to do a whittle itty bitty bit of school for the next week in a half or so.
Then it's
Then it's
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Many Mom's In Many Languages
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Ladies And (possibly) Gentlemen
ABOUT THREE MORE MONTHS EXACTLY TILL E-TRIP......YAY(unyay for leaving at 2:30am:

Monday, April 30, 2007
Maymont Picnic Of Sorts
Yesterday our family and a few families from our Community Group we attend ventured out to Maymont Park for a picnic of sorts to socialize and catch up on life. When we first arrived it was only Mr W,his daughter Chelsea,Mr D and us. Therefore,not wanting my delicious Arby's chicken,bacon,swiss sandwich and fries to get cold began to consume my food as well as everyone else theirs. Soon after eating our food,the W's and the B's came along,so we moved our swaray out onto the grass area near a nice shady tree. Then the two families who hadn't eaten,ate and those of us who had,basked in the glow of the wonderful sun. After thirty minutes or so,Chelsea,Natalia,Mariana,Amy and I went over to a grove of trees and commenced to attempt to climb the trees. I preferedly,stayed on the ground,except for sitting on a rawther low tree branch on one occasion. More than once Amy,Chelsea and I had to rescue Natalia. She kept getting stuck in trees and not being able to get back down. Interestingly enough,Chelsea was the best tree climber out of the five of us. We soon got tired with our escapade and asked the adults if we all could go check out the gardens on the lower surrounding hill-like landscape. It was quite a feat keeping up with two active little girls on the way down. On the way up on the other hand is a different story. Mariana on the way back up the hill kept laughing with grand vigor over things being said and done. Thus collapsing on the ground laughing so hard to the point of loosing her breathe and then crying. It was quite an interesting sight to behold. Most surprising was Natalia being exasperated from the heat declaring "I am so dehydrated,I need water" but once we got to an area of drinkable water she declared it unfit. The thing that made it surprising is that,that is what I was like a few years ago. I could only shake my head and laugh. When we did get back to the picnic area Natalia got rehydrated and we all relaxed and laughed a lot about the whole thing. Melissa,Nikki and Mr.J showed up a little while later,so we talked a hanged a little while longer. Soon it was rawther late in the afternoon and I needed to read God's Big Picture for Teen Community Group so we started homeward.
I Am Happy
Today I found out that I may be able to take Lyrical along with Ballet during the Summer. You know that music that was a constant factor during the last episode of Phil Of The Future? It's like that.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Do I Decorate Well Or What?
If you haven't noticed there has been quite a change on my blog,mostly template. I was bored so I thought,"Hey,why not do something different!". Although quite glad of my eldest brother Mark's wonderful ways with computers. I can confidentially say that I changed the template all by myself and managed not to do any serious harm or sudden death to Vivian(the home computer....Mark named her not me) in the process.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
You Know What Is Funny?
Little,old supposedly "nice" grandma's fighting and pushing themselves through a mass of people to a front of a line to a get a little,itty,bitty cup of luke warm, free soda....and then standing there as they slowly,carefully immovably take every little sip til the last drop. Thus throwing away the cup and continuing to stand in place wondering "How am I supposed to get out of this mob" for another ten minutes.
In every other booth we went to today,someone spoke a completely different about a melting pot of twenty-six countries plus a bazillion people!!!
For lunch I had Enchilada Ranchera(four chicken tortilla's with ranch sauce on it). The sauce was brown and sorta nasty but the chicken was good though. Dad couldn't help to comment that "The sauce was the chicken's diarrhea" (sadly enough it resembled such thing,thus making it rawther funny).
OoO the interesting things we ponder at NATO Festivals
In every other booth we went to today,someone spoke a completely different about a melting pot of twenty-six countries plus a bazillion people!!!
For lunch I had Enchilada Ranchera(four chicken tortilla's with ranch sauce on it). The sauce was brown and sorta nasty but the chicken was good though. Dad couldn't help to comment that "The sauce was the chicken's diarrhea" (sadly enough it resembled such thing,thus making it rawther funny).
OoO the interesting things we ponder at NATO Festivals
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Virgina Weather
Is INCREDIBLY RIDICULOUS. So the day before's snowing. Yep, a nice run of the mill white falling fluffy snow that is visible. OoO but we are a group of smart individuals who thought ahead for the Easter egg hunt later today at church by moving it inside so those poor little kids wouldn't get frost bite on their poor little noes,toes and fingers. I personally think that this is one of the weirdest weather "phenomenons" I have ever experienced. I mean isn't supposed to be warm...maybe a little sunshine the day before Easter or something along those humid lines?!?
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Today I had to get not one but TWO shots(one on the left arm,one on the right arm) for my Mexico E-Trip. Thankfully I had my tetanus shot last summer so I didn't need that....thank goodness. All I got out of the deal besides being protected from disease was two Little Pony band-aids and a High School Musical sticker with "Taylor" and "Chad" on it. I couldn't help comment when I got it "Wow, they have a HSM Stickers?!?". I knew that HSM was popular but not THAT popular. On the way home Jamie was saying how much I like to use band-aids on little,barely there cuts and the occasional scrape and how he never does. I told him "Well at least I wear my band-aids with pride". Ya, I know I am a dork.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
I Hate
I hate,hate,hate,hate,hate,hate,hate,hate,hate,hate,hate,hate,hate,hate,hate,hate,hate,hate,hate(infinite hate) math with a passion.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
"Mommy Moment" #2
Apparently Gabbie is reveling in the fact I had one puke moment last week,that she wanted to give me another one. This time her acts took place three times on my bedroom floor.....and I having to clean it up....while I slightly gagged. I wish she wouldn't eat dog/(Michael)cat food or both cause I REALLY love her but I DON'T love cleaning up her throw-up.
Annie:The Human Scratch Post
So this afternoon Gabbie is behind the computer chair I was sitting in,with the back of the chair veered to the right. Apparently Gabbie was trying to get to the top of the chair. Missing,sadly and used my back as a scratch post. OoO did I yell,it took her a few seconds to dislodge her wonderful claws of pain from my back and shirt. After I told her what a bad kitty she was for doing such thing she casually walks to a chair a few inches away,plops down and SLEEPS!!!! One minute she is psycho kitty and the next she acts like an innocent little angel. Is it possible to get cats to wear kitty mood rings or something?
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Trial By Error And My "Mommy Moment"
My trial by error this last week was getting a Neutrogena acid acne wash. The acid was the lowest you can get,2. So I applied it on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning only to figure out that the acid in the wash has turned my face red,itchy,dry and flakey. Thus I stopped using it and it took from Wednesday to Sunday for my face to turn back to normal. Lesson learned:NEVER use any kind of acne wash that has acid in it cause it hurts and is not very fun.
So on the way back from Chatham I had Gabbie in my lap. She started convulsing into fits,which thus leads to hair ball or food throw-up. I put my hand quickly infront of her mouth and she hit it exactly right. Then I thought to myself "Mommy will be so proud, I just let her throw-up on me,just like a Mommy would do for a baby". My second thought was "I NEED A NAPKIN OR I AM GOING TO THROW UP!!!". I gagged a bit but once Dad gave me a napkin and some disinfectant it was ok.
So on the way back from Chatham I had Gabbie in my lap. She started convulsing into fits,which thus leads to hair ball or food throw-up. I put my hand quickly infront of her mouth and she hit it exactly right. Then I thought to myself "Mommy will be so proud, I just let her throw-up on me,just like a Mommy would do for a baby". My second thought was "I NEED A NAPKIN OR I AM GOING TO THROW UP!!!". I gagged a bit but once Dad gave me a napkin and some disinfectant it was ok.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye Heavenly hosts
Praise Father,Son and Holy Ghost
I have been accepted for the E-Trip to Mexico with my church in August. I am so grateful and happy... I can't wait!!!
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye Heavenly hosts
Praise Father,Son and Holy Ghost
I have been accepted for the E-Trip to Mexico with my church in August. I am so grateful and happy... I can't wait!!!
Amazing Grace And Basketball
Another movie was seen with my family (minus Mark of course) yesterday. It was about William Wilberforce and his God-given mission to stop slave trade. The actor who portrayed Wilberforce is the same guy who played Horatio Hornblower in a PBS movie. Anyway,the movie was ok. There was some funny parts,but it wasn't actioned packed excitement. My Mom liked it though,she is a big lover of "Inspirational" movies.
So Jamie had a basketball tournament. The game that was supposed to have started thirty minutes before we got there hadn't,so I ended up watching three games. After an hour or so it was time for Jamie and his teams' turn to play. I had a father of one of Jamie's teammates sitting a row or two behind me who HAD to scream at the referees about what a bad job they were doing the whole time. Also there was another father from the other team doing the same thing. I told Mom the two guys should team up and have a grumbling/screaming at the refs section all to them selfs. I was so annoyed the whole time having to hear all that crap coming from the father sitting behind me,sometimes I felt like turning around and slapping him. I didn't but I was sure tempted. The game was pretty tight all the way through,Jamie's team the Patriots won which meant they would be playing another game in thirty minutes against Millwood Gold. So once the game started it was real tight all the way through. The father who wouldn't shut up moved down wind and to the lowest bleacher so I couldn't hear him so much. I did get to hang out with my favorite little guy at KCC so far:six year old Micah. Micah,his brother,his friend and I played "guess what I am drawing". It was fun,it kept my mind off of the game and made it all pass by faster. Well Jamie's team lost but they got a runner up trophy. It was too late to "celebrate" (as in go to a restaurant) so hopefully we may do that today.....
So Jamie had a basketball tournament. The game that was supposed to have started thirty minutes before we got there hadn't,so I ended up watching three games. After an hour or so it was time for Jamie and his teams' turn to play. I had a father of one of Jamie's teammates sitting a row or two behind me who HAD to scream at the referees about what a bad job they were doing the whole time. Also there was another father from the other team doing the same thing. I told Mom the two guys should team up and have a grumbling/screaming at the refs section all to them selfs. I was so annoyed the whole time having to hear all that crap coming from the father sitting behind me,sometimes I felt like turning around and slapping him. I didn't but I was sure tempted. The game was pretty tight all the way through,Jamie's team the Patriots won which meant they would be playing another game in thirty minutes against Millwood Gold. So once the game started it was real tight all the way through. The father who wouldn't shut up moved down wind and to the lowest bleacher so I couldn't hear him so much. I did get to hang out with my favorite little guy at KCC so far:six year old Micah. Micah,his brother,his friend and I played "guess what I am drawing". It was fun,it kept my mind off of the game and made it all pass by faster. Well Jamie's team lost but they got a runner up trophy. It was too late to "celebrate" (as in go to a restaurant) so hopefully we may do that today.....
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Bridge To Terabithia And Previews
Today with my whole family(except for Mark of course) went to see the book movie that is called "The Bridge To Terebithia". Believe it or not it isn't that bad of a movie. It was sorta sad,creepy and a little weird but it was good. I had read the book,maybe a year ago cause I had heard it was "one of the classics". So I went to the movie expecting several clauses from the book prospective. The movie followed very closely to the book. I could have sworn the ending wasn't as depicted in the book but Mom looked it up and it was the same. The boy who plays Jess in the movie is going to be in a movie coming soon called "Firehouse Dog" or something like that. Also a Nancy Drew movie with Emma Roberts and that blonde haired dude from "Catch That Kid" who's-name-I-don't-know.
(EDIT: The movie's end had scenes in a different order than the book,that is why it seemed "fishy")
(EDIT: The movie's end had scenes in a different order than the book,that is why it seemed "fishy")
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
What Up With Virginia Weather?!?
Ok,honestly people,everywhere else around us had some form of snow. We have had two half inch "snow storms" that lasted for like a half an hour so far this Winter season. I mean I don't want a horridnessly large snow storm of great proportion or anything. Just a few inches or more of nice snow to eat for snow cream. Mom said that it snowed a whole lot in March one time. Maybe there is still hope of a decent snow this year....
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Ski Trip 2007
So we started out in KCC parking lot freezing our butts off waiting for everyone of the ninety people in our group to get there. Mom baked a batch of her cookies that morning so I was handing them out to my regular cookie monsters. Eventually everyone got there and Mrs H started the normal run down on things. Then we prayed and got in the cars that we were carpooling with. I was with Mrs. B,Amy and Anna. That was interesting. Amy sat in the slightly squished front seat and Anna and I was in the back. I did my latch hook almost the whole time while Amy and Anna played against each other on their DSs'. Then Amy got bored and watched "The Incredibles" with head phones on while Anna played her DS. We talked a little but there wasn't anything to really talk to. When we got there everyone met in front of the lodge to get ski passes and our papers to get skis. I went in,got in line and asked for boots three sized bigger than it said I was supposed to. Ended up I only needed two sizes bigger. Amy went across the way for free ski lessons and I went down the ski slope with Mrs W,who is the Mom of Neil. Eventually she had to go find her child Nathan so I headed back to the lodge and waited for someone. I don't think I was with anyone for any long period of time the whole time. I was with Kelsy,Jorie and a lady from another church group I made friends with. So my last time down the mountain I was with Jori, I had to encourage her down the mountain the entire way because her feet hurt so bad. She almost made it but by the time we were a few feet away she fell and it hurt so much she couldn't move any more. So I skied the rest of the way to the ski lift told them that "There was a girl in a light purple coat and the near end of that slope who who wasn't hurt but too sore to move and that she couldn't get back to the lodge so she needed Ski Patrol. So I got a lift up and went to the lodge where I found out that one person broke their arm,another a broken arm and possibly a messed up shoulder, a girl with a broken collar bone that was bad enough that they couldn't move her off of the stretcher and a lady who was throwing up from supposed "Preservative" poisoning plus Jori. Once I found Mrs B I got my papers that I needed to give my skis back and my boots. It took a while to leave so I took out my bag of cookies and gave the rest away. Then we left and I was quite bored in the car cause it was dark and all. Finally we got to the church parking lot where I waited outside for my parents cause my legs hurt to much, Eventually my Dad got there.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
OK EWW:Man Leggings
Saturday, January 20, 2007
OK so,
I thought "Sunshine" was a peculiar name for a person...what about "Taco"? Yep,that is right the beef,cheese,onion,tomato etcetera Mexican food as a name for a actual person. Even I,the person who likes interesting names thinks the name "Taco" is a little over the top and maybe a whittle weird. What is the world coming to naming children after food???
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Wedding And Stuff
So ya my brother Mark got married to his best-girl-who-is-a-friend Cassie last Friday. The "main part" of wedding went well and stuff,but the excitement happened afterward. It's a VDH thing to totally trick out the car with anything and everything under the sun. Mark and Cass had the privilege of having their "get away car" decked out with a whole twelve pack of toilet paper,balloon string,duck tape (sticky side out),masking tape and a whole bunch of balloons. It was so much fun decorating, I don't think I have ever seen so many family members help with such vigor and devilish grins in my life. When VDH's decorate a car it is not just playful fun,but an event. Dad cheated and gave Mark scissors to get in the car...but I forgive him. Jamie had some of his older bigger cousins hold Mark down before he got in the car as Jamie dumped half a bag of birdseed down his pants. I have a feeling when Jamie is older and gets married he will be paying for that deed...hehehehe. As the car went driving away,toilet paper flapping in the breeze,it reminded me of a big rolling ball of toilet paper. Hahahahaha.
Happy Marriage Mark and Cass!!!
Happy Marriage Mark and Cass!!!
Ballet Song 2006
Ms. Stefanie has FINALLY picked our Ballet song we will be dancing to for Recital in May. It is called "Only Hope" by Mandy Moore,who sings it in the movie "A Walk To Remember". It is a bit slow but is very beautiful sounding. So far we have only danced to forty-five seconds worth of it though. I am VERY excited about class now that we have started doing our dance. I can't wait to "show it off" to other classes when we learn more and get better at it.
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