Saturday, January 27, 2007

Ski Trip 2007

So we started out in KCC parking lot freezing our butts off waiting for everyone of the ninety people in our group to get there. Mom baked a batch of her cookies that morning so I was handing them out to my regular cookie monsters. Eventually everyone got there and Mrs H started the normal run down on things. Then we prayed and got in the cars that we were carpooling with. I was with Mrs. B,Amy and Anna. That was interesting. Amy sat in the slightly squished front seat and Anna and I was in the back. I did my latch hook almost the whole time while Amy and Anna played against each other on their DSs'. Then Amy got bored and watched "The Incredibles" with head phones on while Anna played her DS. We talked a little but there wasn't anything to really talk to. When we got there everyone met in front of the lodge to get ski passes and our papers to get skis. I went in,got in line and asked for boots three sized bigger than it said I was supposed to. Ended up I only needed two sizes bigger. Amy went across the way for free ski lessons and I went down the ski slope with Mrs W,who is the Mom of Neil. Eventually she had to go find her child Nathan so I headed back to the lodge and waited for someone. I don't think I was with anyone for any long period of time the whole time. I was with Kelsy,Jorie and a lady from another church group I made friends with. So my last time down the mountain I was with Jori, I had to encourage her down the mountain the entire way because her feet hurt so bad. She almost made it but by the time we were a few feet away she fell and it hurt so much she couldn't move any more. So I skied the rest of the way to the ski lift told them that "There was a girl in a light purple coat and the near end of that slope who who wasn't hurt but too sore to move and that she couldn't get back to the lodge so she needed Ski Patrol. So I got a lift up and went to the lodge where I found out that one person broke their arm,another a broken arm and possibly a messed up shoulder, a girl with a broken collar bone that was bad enough that they couldn't move her off of the stretcher and a lady who was throwing up from supposed "Preservative" poisoning plus Jori. Once I found Mrs B I got my papers that I needed to give my skis back and my boots. It took a while to leave so I took out my bag of cookies and gave the rest away. Then we left and I was quite bored in the car cause it was dark and all. Finally we got to the church parking lot where I waited outside for my parents cause my legs hurt to much, Eventually my Dad got there.

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