Saturday, April 21, 2007

You Know What Is Funny?

Little,old supposedly "nice" grandma's fighting and pushing themselves through a mass of people to a front of a line to a get a little,itty,bitty cup of luke warm, free soda....and then standing there as they slowly,carefully immovably take every little sip til the last drop. Thus throwing away the cup and continuing to stand in place wondering "How am I supposed to get out of this mob" for another ten minutes.

In every other booth we went to today,someone spoke a completely different about a melting pot of twenty-six countries plus a bazillion people!!!

For lunch I had Enchilada Ranchera(four chicken tortilla's with ranch sauce on it). The sauce was brown and sorta nasty but the chicken was good though. Dad couldn't help to comment that "The sauce was the chicken's diarrhea" (sadly enough it resembled such thing,thus making it rawther funny).

OoO the interesting things we ponder at NATO Festivals

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