Monday, April 30, 2007

Maymont Picnic Of Sorts

Yesterday our family and a few families from our Community Group we attend ventured out to Maymont Park for a picnic of sorts to socialize and catch up on life. When we first arrived it was only Mr W,his daughter Chelsea,Mr D and us. Therefore,not wanting my delicious Arby's chicken,bacon,swiss sandwich and fries to get cold began to consume my food as well as everyone else theirs. Soon after eating our food,the W's and the B's came along,so we moved our swaray out onto the grass area near a nice shady tree. Then the two families who hadn't eaten,ate and those of us who had,basked in the glow of the wonderful sun. After thirty minutes or so,Chelsea,Natalia,Mariana,Amy and I went over to a grove of trees and commenced to attempt to climb the trees. I preferedly,stayed on the ground,except for sitting on a rawther low tree branch on one occasion. More than once Amy,Chelsea and I had to rescue Natalia. She kept getting stuck in trees and not being able to get back down. Interestingly enough,Chelsea was the best tree climber out of the five of us. We soon got tired with our escapade and asked the adults if we all could go check out the gardens on the lower surrounding hill-like landscape. It was quite a feat keeping up with two active little girls on the way down. On the way up on the other hand is a different story. Mariana on the way back up the hill kept laughing with grand vigor over things being said and done. Thus collapsing on the ground laughing so hard to the point of loosing her breathe and then crying. It was quite an interesting sight to behold. Most surprising was Natalia being exasperated from the heat declaring "I am so dehydrated,I need water" but once we got to an area of drinkable water she declared it unfit. The thing that made it surprising is that,that is what I was like a few years ago. I could only shake my head and laugh. When we did get back to the picnic area Natalia got rehydrated and we all relaxed and laughed a lot about the whole thing. Melissa,Nikki and Mr.J showed up a little while later,so we talked a hanged a little while longer. Soon it was rawther late in the afternoon and I needed to read God's Big Picture for Teen Community Group so we started homeward.

I Am Happy

Today I found out that I may be able to take Lyrical along with Ballet during the Summer. You know that music that was a constant factor during the last episode of Phil Of The Future? It's like that.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Do I Decorate Well Or What?

If you haven't noticed there has been quite a change on my blog,mostly template. I was bored so I thought,"Hey,why not do something different!". Although quite glad of my eldest brother Mark's wonderful ways with computers. I can confidentially say that I changed the template all by myself and managed not to do any serious harm or sudden death to Vivian(the home computer....Mark named her not me) in the process.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

You Know What Is Funny?

Little,old supposedly "nice" grandma's fighting and pushing themselves through a mass of people to a front of a line to a get a little,itty,bitty cup of luke warm, free soda....and then standing there as they slowly,carefully immovably take every little sip til the last drop. Thus throwing away the cup and continuing to stand in place wondering "How am I supposed to get out of this mob" for another ten minutes.

In every other booth we went to today,someone spoke a completely different about a melting pot of twenty-six countries plus a bazillion people!!!

For lunch I had Enchilada Ranchera(four chicken tortilla's with ranch sauce on it). The sauce was brown and sorta nasty but the chicken was good though. Dad couldn't help to comment that "The sauce was the chicken's diarrhea" (sadly enough it resembled such thing,thus making it rawther funny).

OoO the interesting things we ponder at NATO Festivals

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Virgina Weather

Is INCREDIBLY RIDICULOUS. So the day before's snowing. Yep, a nice run of the mill white falling fluffy snow that is visible. OoO but we are a group of smart individuals who thought ahead for the Easter egg hunt later today at church by moving it inside so those poor little kids wouldn't get frost bite on their poor little noes,toes and fingers. I personally think that this is one of the weirdest weather "phenomenons" I have ever experienced. I mean isn't supposed to be warm...maybe a little sunshine the day before Easter or something along those humid lines?!?