Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Today was the first day of Alpha. Mom and I got there a hour early to help set up food and stuff. For anyone's information Alpha is a thing at church where people can get free food and ask questions about God without being embarrassed or anything. So after we set up everything,we all then served the food,assembly line style. After everyone ate then the helpers got what we leftover. What we could or did have was salad,white rice,chicken-cheese and broccoli,soda and chocolate brownie. Then after I ate it was time to help with the little kids. Luckily I wasn't alone,Mrs L and her son Cameron helped with the Littles. I was super glad Cameron was there because otherwise I would be the only kid my age helping. It was really funny when two of the little boys and Cameron couldn't get a simple puzzle together and I came over and simply moved one piece and it all fit. The names of the kids I can remember is Sierra,Sarah,Teddy,Alayna(whom for the first couple minutes called Alana),Samuel,Kaily and one other boy whose name escapes me. So after an hour or so all the kids had left but Sarah,so we all moved into the Gym and waited until her Daddy got there. Then we all came home!

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