Wednesday, June 08, 2005

My First Day Back to Youth Group

This afetrnoon at six thirtish I was able to go to Youth Group due to the fact AWANA is over.I am so relieved to no longer have my "Challenge" to deal with yet his older brother is moving up to Youth in a week (tear,tear,sniffle,snifflle). John told us to move the couchs so we did. So anyway,in the start of Youth we played this game where you had a balloon on a string tied to your ankle. Ever one else did also. You had to try to pop everyone elses balloon without yours getting popped. I am not a "Sporty" type so right when the game started my balloon got popped.It was the greatest fun watching the other guys and girls run around yo pop each others balloon with such great force of want. After that arrousing game we moved the couchs back into place. John said to get our Fuel notebooks. He said if you don't have a notebook,get a blank one from the back. So since I didn't I got one.Then we watched this sorta funny,stupid movie. It was oddly funny (almost like how my little brother likes Spongebob cause it is stupid). A little while later John talked about the movie, read stuff from the Bible and filled in the blanks to the sentances on a sheet of paper. Afterward I got a piece of paper and made a sign "Layla's Fuel Notebook" for my Fuel notebook. Of course Layla insant my name but Layla means Persian:night child. I am a night owl and stay up very late!!! I also like the name Azura cause it means blue sky. I may make a new sign that says "Azura's Fuel Notebook". Then Mom,Jamie and I went home in Izzie.

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