Friday, May 06, 2005

So Sore

My left ankle,both shoulder blades,the back of my neck,butt bone and the top of my head is soo sore!!! First of all my shoulders were already hurting due to the fact I slept the night before with my arms above my head for some odd reason. During Jazz class yesterday we did a Lyrical combination to the song of "The Voice Within". Anyway a part of the combo you have to arabesk and then roll into a tumble and end up on my rear end with your right leg extended with your left leg bent. We went over the move like a dozen times on the gym mats. Then when we did it without the mats. It wasn't too bad until this morning when almost my whole body hurt. I am hoping that my Mom will go to the Wal-Greens down the street and get me a Icey-Hot patch for my shoulders and ankle!!!

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