Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Pavement Hurts

Yesterday afternoon I went outside to shoot some hoops in the cul-de-sac. If the ball rolled off the pavement I would go run for it so it wouldn't get all messy if it landed in the muddy ditch.Well I went running to get the Basketball the last time and my ankle did the old "give-way" number. So my ankle turned out causing me to fall which made it so that I sprained my left ankle and in the process of falling scraped my right knee cap. My Dad is a Nurse and in his last Inservice(That is when my Dad takes a class type thing) he learned that if you sprain something you should just walk on it because if you use crutches it makes all those muscles in whatever you sprained tight. So I have been hobbling around for two days. For these whole two days I have been begging to have my crutches from the attic but no,no crutches for me!!! Of all of the kids in my family I am the most danger prone. So far in my life I have had three stitches in my forehead when I was five because I was running on stage at church and a microphone stand fell on me,nine stitches below my left eye when I was nine because my Aunt and Uncle's dog bit or scratched me,a broken leg when I was eleven because I was playing hide-and-seek in church and fell while I was running,sprained my right ankle when I was going down the stairs at my grandparents and the most recent one was my left ankle. All my little brother has ever done was stick a lego up his nose and sprain his thumb. Mark hasn't done anything in my knowledge. Maybe it is because I am the only girl in my family maybe it is because I am just unlucky. I just certainly hope nothing happens before Dance recital!!!


Anonymous said...


Annie said...

What's so funny?