Friday, June 29, 2007
Poor Defenseless Squirrel & Bunny
So today,Jamie convinced me to go to my other-grandparents-who-live-on-a-farm-like-a-mile-or-two-away on the four wheeler with him. I said if I was gonna go I wanted to drive there. So I repeatedly reminded my Dad to PLEASE remember my black messenger bag when he came in the car. That way there would be something to read while I was there. So I did end up driving to my grandparents, up until we got to a part where we had to turn around,Jamie took over and had to drive on the barrier of a corn field and a mess of weeds. That made an interesting trip,having branches in ones face,seeds in your shoes and bugs all over ones arms,legs and occasionally square on the forehead. So finally we got to my grandparents,and my Dad came...with no black messenger bag ...after I had repeatedly told him to remember it when he came...It actually turned out not to be as boring as it sometimes is,there was a lot of people in the kitchen and my cousins Isaac and Ben making all kinds of noise in the living room along with their baby sister Morgan screaming up a storm for no real reason. Morgan is cute when she is quiet but when she gets cranky,good day,there is hardly no way to stop it. So toward the end of the day,my Grandma pulled out a rawther large puzzle to do,with numerous amounts of lighthouses,big and small all over it. With this my Grandma,Jamie,Dad and I amused ourselves for an hour or two. The sky started to get cloudy and the four-wheeler needed cleaning,so Jamie and I went down to the old milk house and pressure washed it down with a hose and got the mud that collected on it since Mark Aaron had driven it as his main source of transportation when he worked there during the summer for three years. Once we were done cleaning up our mess I noticed little drops of rain coming down so Jamie and I hopped on the four wheeler,told Dad we were going back to the house and headed home. A little road near my Grandpa's house we were driving down there was a a poor defenseless bunny just laying in the middle of the road. Jamie hopped of the four wheeler to see if it was dead,and if it wasn't,why it was just laying there. Jamie got within three feet lengths before it hopped up and got to the ditch off to the side. Jamie said that the bunny had blood coming out of his nose,and to me it looked like half its body was crippled...poor bunny... So Jamie continued our trek and came across a very still squirrel and drove up very close..almost enough to think he was gonna run it over and I screamed,but it ran off,thankfully. Also I don't think Jamie would be that cruel though... so anyway that has been my day.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
First Day Of Summer Ballet/Lyrical
Instead of having our teacher,Mrs Jessica teach our Ballet class,we had a "guest teacher" named Miss Joy. Mrs Jessica sat in a swivel chair in the corner and stared the whole class down as Miss Joy taught. I guess the class was somewhat of an "audition" of sorts for Miss Joy to see whether or not she may become a regular teacher there. Miss Joy was like a fresh out of dance school,very not strict kinda lady. It made things a bit difficult when she said "OoO just start whenever,do whatever". I hate when teachers do that cause then you have ABSOLUTELY no directions and when you mess up you feel even more like an idiot because you didn't know what to do in the beginning anyway. As far as the class went,it was ok. It takes a while to get back in the swing of things the first day of anything after ones been off whatever activity one does for a month or two. So after my Ballet class I wait an hour before Lyrical. So I tried killed time by attempting to read the Complete Tales And Poems Of Edgar Allen Poe(No,I haven't gotten it done yet...) but failed dismally due to the access noise of people talking in the background(those JEMs are some loud talkers...). So I gave up and found an old magazine from October 2006 that I had glanced/read through in sheer boredom earlier in the year. After a while I got bored so I went to where some people were in the "waiting room" and talked with a few people. Finally the hour went by and it was time for Lyrical. Surprisingly to my happiness my Ballet teacher from last year,Miss Stefanie was also teaching my Lyrical class,which is incredibly cool. The Lyrical class was really fun. I like the fluid movements,extending,distending and the sheer emotions Lyrical has...I love it. Basically,that is where my story ends.....except I have to take a "make-up" class this Monday cause I am missing my class next week because of REVIVE...but it's TOTALLY worth it.....
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
I'm Not Roman Catholic But I Love These Nuns
I watched the whole movie this morning,now I need to get Sister Act 2...
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Many Dad's In Many Languages
Latin:Abbas Abbatis
Latin:Abbas Abbatis
Friday, June 15, 2007
The Time Is Near
So yesterday we got a wonderful email from Steve P. about our different teams and the names of the kids of the E-Trip we will be helping with. Getting some new information like this makes the trip seem so close. I find it really funny that they put me in the group with the "other" Annee(and the "other" Adam with another Adam in a different group of course),now we will definitely need to set up a system of separate verbal identification methods..LOL. I can already imagine the faces of "My Little Girls":Alejandra,Magali,Miriam,Esmerelda,Yesenia,Maria,Karla,Jacquelin and Mileni. I can't wait to see their cute little faces and get to play,teach and talk with them for a whole week.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Jamie's Third Summer Basketball Game
Yesterday Jamie had another basketball game,that of which Mom,Dad and I were at as usual. The game was boring,the stuff that happened before it was a bit more entertaining to watch. First off I thought that we were gonna eat Dinner at the table before we left,apparently we were running late unbeknown to me. So I ended up grabbing a "leftover" container and putting my dinner quickly into it and getting some water so I wouldn't burn my tongue as I ate in the car. So before going to his game we had to drop off a lawn-mower-like-machine at the D's house(D as in my favorite little guy at KCC:Micah D) for Christian to fiddle with to see if he could get it working in his spare time or whatnot. Mom thought the LITTLE detour to their house would be about five minutes from the directions she gave her. There is one thing to be learned with my family,nothing,ABSOLUTELY nothing,goes according to our plans. The five minute trip ended up to be about twenty and Jamie about to have a cataclysmic heart attack the size of an elephant for fear of not getting to his game early enough. All I could do was chuckle and cover my face,so as not to be yelled at and hit with his baseball hat for laughing at such a unlaughable situation(for him anyway
) So we chatted a bit with a few of the D's and then speedily headed towards his basketball game's direction. Ok,now for the game:First off I forgot my glasses so I could basically see diddily squat......and thats about it. We had this weirdly dressed referee,he had these short black shorts on with those black knee support brace things,so he sorta looked like he had strangely made capri's on or something. Anyway,Jamie's team put up a pretty good fight,seeing as one of the coaches son has a broken ulna(Ulna-the little bone next to your big bone in your arm...if that doesn't make sense look it up) and didn't play so now their down to seven players(I think). They lost their game,but hopefully they will eventually win one of these times (THEN WE GET TO GO OUT TO EAT,LOL,JK....well actually not, we probably would lol)
Friday, June 08, 2007
Jamie's Second Summer Basketball Game
Yesterday Dad and I(Mom was being a kid at a candy shop at the Home School Convention)went to Jamie's basketball game against The Hurricanes. Dad brought two metal chairs instead of camp chairs to sit in. I ended up not using mine because it wasn't very comfortable,so I just sat on the gym floor and watched. Since Mom wasn't there she made Dad and I take pictures of the game for her(since that is normally what she does during the games). As I started clicking away,once again jamming to some Relient K,Barlow Girl and a variety of songs from my old youth pastors cds he used to make and give out on occasion called John's Jams. On to the important part:the game. The team they were set against wasn't as brutal as the last one they played and the referees did a much better job than the last two we had. Jamie came pretty close to rebanging his already banged up arm,but luckily he didn't. Some where in the first half one of the opposing teams parents asked if she could use the extra chair I wasn't using,and we said "sure"(there is a reason for me mentioning this..eventually). Jamie's teammate,Nathanial who struggled shooting foul shots last game,finally was able to sink in the basket for two foul shots. He was surprised the first one went in but he looked shocked the second one did
. Anyway so the end of the game the Mom from the other team came up and returned our chair and was distressed that "She took my chair". She thought it was "one of the schools" etc and so forth......we explained that it was really no problem and that I wanted to sit on the ground. I find it incredibly funny that she would be worried about little,old young me needing a chair,when she is the adult and probably needs it more than me.....So to end this more than lengthy post,Jamie's team lost again,but not as badly as the last time. Because Mom wasn't home,we go to eat out at Beef O'Brady's for compensation for losing AND because NO ONE likes leftovers.....
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Jamie's First Summer Basketball Game
So Jamie and his Home School Patriots team played against some team with like enough people to have two teams and a few extra. So every other minute or so the other team was subbing in a new set of people. Jamie's team only has about eight guys in comparison. I didn't watch much of his game due to 1. I was sitting behind Mom who was sitting in one of those fold up camp chairs(for good reason I was sitting where I was,mostly I have come one too many times almost getting hit by a player or their basketball as they attempted to dribble down court) and 2. I was busy jamming to Relient K songs the whole time
. So from what I could gather from my non sportical mind of mine,the referee's weren't calling a lot of fouls(and the interesting thing is,is that they weren't/couldn't count fouls on any player because it was a league rule or something and that the other team didn't have jerseys,just white shirts) and the other team was playing pretty dang dirtily. Jamie got rammed into once and twice again. The first time he flew across the floor and landed on his right arm,and again with less air landed on his right arm. Now he has a humongous egg of a bruise right above his elbow. It almost looks like a second elbow when he holds his arm downward. It is pertty disgusting. I bet if your were to ask him come Sunday morning,he would love to show it off to you. He is always quite proud of his bruises,for some odd reason....Anyway,Patriot's didn't win but we got Dairy Queen anyway!!!
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