Monday, January 23, 2006

Here is the D.L

I am in the front row in the smack dab middle of the stage in my Ballet dance this year. O am I SOOO Happy!!! This is my first time in front EVER(unless you want to count my brief two eight counts in the front of a line a few years back). It feels so good to be noticed for doing my best. Maybe Mrs.Jessica will notice how well I did in Ballet and decide to bump me up a few levels...that would be awesome. To end this little tid-bit of happy information with yous peoples I wanna holla at my dance "crew" Kaylyn,Elizabeth and Laura:Miss ya like crazy hope to be in a class with you girlitas are awesome!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Frontline Wintergreen Ski Trip 2006

Last Friday at two thirty I rode along with my Mom in Mrs D from Church Care Group and her daughter Lanie's(Pronounced Lane-ee) van. The cool thing was that the middle seats were facing backwards so you could look at cars behind us and play "Guess that car". The game didn't work very well because neither of us know a lot of the people in Frontline yet. So we spent our time in the van either reading or just sitting and talking. Once we got to the Wintergreen area we had to put on our coats and stuff. Then we got our boots and skis. This is where the annoyances started. My first pair of boots cut of circulation which thus led to numbness. I tried on another bigger pair but had the same effect as the first. To mention also when you get a bigger boot you have to get the skis adjusted to fit. By the second pair of boots I was discouraged,disheartend and agitated. At the time I didn't want to ski because of it but Mom pushed me to get a size bigger so I did and third pair FINALLY fit!!! As the saying goes "Third times the charm!". I went outside and met up with Mrs D and Lanie to ski. It took me a few minutes to get latched into my skis because I wasn't properly aligning my foot but once I did we started off. At first I went slow because it had been a year since I had skied. Then I got a hang of it and started going fast. Amazingly enough I remembered everything I learned on my first ski trip and did it better. A BIG thanks to Mr. A and Mr. R for all those lessons on turning,stopping and over all falling!!!
I got on and off the ski lift safely without falling once. I believe I went down the hills seven times. I only fell once but that was because of the ice spot I was skiing on. I almost ran into a snowboarder lady but she moved fast... The one funny thing that happened was when some guy came barreling down the hill and ran into the gravel at a rest stop and made sparks come out of his skis... IT WAS AWESOME (Ok,when he fell it wasn't but the sparks were). Then some lady called out and said to the guy "Hon',you can't ski on gravel". That topped that whole senario to the max heeheehee. Soon it was time to return the skis and boots get in some warm clothes and travel two hours back home. Lanie was asleep most of the time so I just looked at the stars through the sun roof,closed my eyes,sang a little and talked a little to Mrs D and Mom. By the time we got home it was one o'clock in the morning and I was seriously tired and sore. I went to bed and slept for twelve hours and man did it feel good!!!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Youth Lock-In 2006

Last night and this morning I was at the all-nighter with the BPBC Youth Group. Half the night was spent at the church itself. Everyone played games in the newly opened rockin awesome game room. I only played Dance Revolution a little,it was fun though. I played outside on the playground also. After about two hours John gathered us together to play two rounds of Underground Church. Maybe about an hour later everyone got all their stuff together,got in a van or car and drove to the YMCA. At first there was a lot of people still there cleaning up. So Natasha and I just hung out in the snack/game room until most of them left so I could show Natasha where stuff was because I had been there before. Most of the night I was in the "sleep room" playing or just sitting and talking. While we were there there was a tornado watch,I was scared... But then it passed and I was ok. Sooner that it seemed it was time to go home. By now all "my eighth grade boys" looked half dead along with everyone else. Joe even said his feet were numb,that is how tired some were!!! Then we went back to church played some games. Dad came to pick us up an hour. Then we went home and I slept til two in the afternoon.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

It Is Finished

Today I have officially finished "The Chronicles of Narnia". It is a really awesome series and most of it relates to the Bible some way or another. I seriously suggest you go to Barnes & Noble and get the big book with all the Chronicles in it and when you are finished you will feel more accomplished,at least that is what I feel like right now. GO GET THE CHRONCILES OF NARNIA!!